** Bug * SITI-634 I190315_023 - mail espagne * SITI-629 I190313_007 - Like I190214_050 deliveries in double and some missing * SITI-626 I190305_042 - numéro de livraison en objet erroné * SITI-623 I190311_011 - impossibilité de clôturer les action sur le Dashboard * SITI-622 S190308_022 - date de livraison après pending * SITI-601 I190306_024 - subject line in 3rd party mail accident * SITI-597 Working Time - Mobile * SITI-596 I190228_028 - SITI - clean delivery from reporting * SITI-595 I190227_051 - clean back up button - 503 * SITI-591 I190226_029 - I190226_055 - Génération des PODs * SITI-590 S190226_022 - nom du signataire non affiché * SITI-589 HTTP 500 lors de la connexion pour IBERIA * SITI-585 Timeout lors de la déclaration d'un sinistre (déclaration 84) * SITI-581 wrong phone number * SITI-573 I190214_005 - Drivers can't connect to SITI * SITI-571 Backup counter is incorrect * SITI-566 I190204_031 - Delivery still shown as "prepared" in route balacing * SITI-559 I190204_032 - user got logged out regularily of SITI while working in the apperror code 'ERR_07' * SITI-554 S190201_011 - report CS * SITI-553 I190131_026 - slowness CS UK * SITI-545 I190123_056 - écart stats RB * SITI-521 I190116_056 - English word in TROL not translated in SITI * SITI-513 I190114_037 - RDC 45 we have 2 deliveries on the route GS on RDC but not on driver app